About us

Our history

The first home education center was established in 2006 in Drohiczyn. We opened a primary school and a high school there. In 2018, we opened our second branch in Sulejówek near Warsaw. As of September 1, 2023, we also have a facility in Radzymin. All our points specialise in implementing the primary and secondary school curriculum.


“””INGENIUM Home Education Development Foundation””

1. The Foundation for the Development of Home Education INGENIUM, hereinafter referred to as the “”Foundation””, operates on the basis of the Act of April 6, 1984 on foundations and this Statute.
2. The Foundation is a non-governmental organization conducting public benefit activities
within the meaning of the Act of April 24, 2003 on public benefit activities
and on volunteering ( Journal of Laws of 2019, item 688).
3. The Foundation was established for an indefinite period.
4. The Foundation is a legal entity and operates through the bodies established in the Statute.
5. The Foundation was established by the Founder by a notarial deed prepared by notary Katarzyna Czaykowska, notary in Warsaw, at the Notary’s Office,
in Warsaw at ul. Tamka 45A lok. 7, on March 30, 2023 (Repertory A 819/2023);
6. The Foundation acquires legal personality upon entry into the National Court Register.
7. The headquarters of the Foundation is the city of SULEJÓWEK (postal code: 05-070) in the Masovian Voivodeship.
8. The Foundation operates in the territory of the Republic of Poland and abroad.
9. The Foundation may use a translation of its name for the purposes of cooperation with foreign countries
in foreign languages.
10. For organizational purposes, the Foundation may create separate organizational units of the Foundation – branch or branches – which will operate under the principles specified in the regulations approved by the resolution of the Foundation Council.
11. The Foundation may establish its own graphic symbol.
12. The Foundation may establish certificates, badges, honorary medals and award them, along with other prizes and distinctions, to natural and legal persons who have made outstanding contributions to the Foundation and contribute to the achievement of the Foundation’s objectives.
13. The body supervising the Foundation is the minister responsible for the purpose of the Foundation, i.e. the minister responsible for education.
14. The Foundation may use the abbreviated name “”FREDI”” or “”REDI Foundation”

“Objectives and principles of operation of the Foundation.
1. The purpose of the Foundation is educational activities, in particular in the field of:
(a) supporting and promoting education and schooling;
b) supporting and promoting the fulfillment of the obligation to study outside school;
c) supporting and promoting the fulfillment of compulsory education outside school;
d) supporting and promoting home education;
e) supporting and helping entities and institutions dealing with home education;
f) promoting knowledge among parents and children about the characteristic features of home education and the advantages of educating children at home,
g) conducting information activities in the field of legal aspects of teaching at home,
h) supporting parents in fulfilling their obligations in connection with educating their children at home;
i) supporting and promoting educational activities in the field of comprehensive development of children and youth;
j) supporting the education of students with special educational needs;
k) supporting the development of physical culture and sports;
2. The objectives of the Foundation may be changed by changing the provisions of its Statute.
§ 3.
The goals of the Foundation referred to in § 2 section 1 above, are implemented, among others, through:
1) conducting promotional campaigns and activities for the Foundation’s purposes;
2) coordinating, promoting and supporting educational projects;
3) organizing and conducting education for students with special educational needs;
4) cooperation with institutions operating within the scope of the Foundation’s objectives;
5) organizing and financing conferences, seminars, specialist workshops, as well as competitions, exhibitions, advertising campaigns and other forms ensuring the implementation of the foundation’s statutory objectives;
6) establishing and running schools, educational institutions, psychological and pedagogical counseling centers, libraries and scientific and educational centers;
7) renting, providing and adapting rooms necessary for the operation of schools, educational institutions, psychological and pedagogical counseling centers, libraries and other forms of education;
8) financing the purchase of educational and popular science materials;
9) preparing educational materials tailored to the needs of children fulfilling compulsory schooling outside school;
10) organization of social campaigns promoting culture, physical education, sports, education and science;
11) promoting and organizing events aimed at popularizing physical culture and sports, in particular organizing sports activities, tournaments and competitions;
12) organizing volunteer work to achieve the Foundation’s goals;
13) organizing various forms of recreation, including camps, trips, sports competitions, including for farmers’ children, people at risk of social exclusion, and various types of dysfunctions;
14) conducting and participating in research and scientific activities;
15) cooperation with authorized public administration bodies, as well as foundations, associations or mass media in the scope of issues covered by the Foundation’s objectives.
§ 4.
The implementation of the Foundation’s objectives includes activities in the sphere of public tasks in the field of:
1. social assistance, including assistance to families and people in difficult life situations and equalizing opportunities for these families and people;
2. activities for the professional and social integration and reintegration of people at risk of social exclusion;
3. health protection and promotion;
4. promotion of employment and professional activation of unemployed people and at risk of dismissal;
and at risk of dismissal;
5. activities supporting the development of communities and local communities;
6. science, higher education, education, education and upbringing;
7. activities for children and young people, including recreation for children and young people;
8. culture, art, protection of cultural assets and national heritage;
9. supporting and popularizing physical culture;
10. tourism and sightseeing;
11. counteracting addictions and social pathologies;
12. maintaining and disseminating national tradition, cultivating Polishness and developing national, civic and cultural awareness;
13. activities supporting economic development, including entrepreneurship development;
14. providing legal assistance, as well as raising legal awareness and culture;
15. activities supporting the development of technology, invention and innovation as well as the dissemination and implementation of new technical solutions in economic practice;
16. promotion and organization of volunteering;
17. ecology and animal protection and protection of natural heritage, taking into account sustainable development;
18. charitable activities;
19. activities for non-governmental organizations and entities mentioned above
in art. 3 section 3 of the Act of April 24, 2003 on public benefit activities
and on volunteering (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2020, item 1057) to the extent specified in Art. 4 of this Act.

“Foundation authorities:
1. The bodies of the Foundation are:
a. Foundation Council;
b. Foundation Management Board.
2. Members of the Foundation Council may receive reimbursement of justified costs or monthly remuneration for performing functions in this body in an amount not higher than the average monthly remuneration in the enterprise sector announced by the President of the Central Statistical Office for the previous year.
Foundation Council
§ 12
1. The Foundation Council is an advisory and opinion-giving body.
2. The Foundation Council consists of three to six members, appointed for a joint five-year term of office.
3. Membership in the Foundation Council ceases in the event of written resignation from membership or death of a Council member.
4. A person who has been convicted by a final judgment of an intentional crime prosecuted by public indictment or a fiscal offense cannot be a member of the Foundation Council.
5. If a member of the Foundation Council is appointed, with his or her consent, to the Foundation’s Management Board or a member of the Foundation Council enters into an employment relationship with the Foundation, the membership of such a person in the Foundation Council is suspended, respectively, for the duration of the function or the duration of the employment relationship.
6. The Foundation Council elects the Chairman of the Council from among its members. The Chairman of the Foundation Council manages the work of the Foundation Council, represents it externally and convenes it
and chairs meetings of the Foundation Council.
§ 13.
1. The Foundation Council meets at least once a year.
2. The Foundation Council is convened by the Chairman of the Foundation Council on his own initiative or at the request of the Foundation Management Board or the Founder, submitted in writing.
3. The Foundation Council makes decisions in the form of resolutions by a simple majority of votes with the presence of at least 50% of the Foundation Council members. In the event of an equal number of votes, the Chairman’s vote is decisive.
§ 14.
The tasks of the Foundation Council include advising the Foundation Management Board and giving opinions on the planned activities of the Foundation Management Board, at its request.
Foundation Management Board
§ 15.
1. The Foundation’s Management Board consists of one to three people appointed by the Founder for a five-year term of office.
2. The function of a member of the Foundation’s Management Board may be held for more than one term of office.
3. The President of the Foundation’s Management Board is appointed by the Founder, and after his death, the Foundation Council.
4. The Foundation’s Management Board as a whole or individual members of the Foundation’s Management Board may be dismissed by the Founder before the end of the term of office.
5. A member of the Foundation’s Management Board cannot be a person who has been convicted by a final judgment of an intentional crime prosecuted by public indictment or a fiscal crime.
§ 16
1. The Foundation’s Management Board manages the Foundation’s activities and represents it externally.
2. The tasks of the Foundation’s Management Board include in particular:
a. adopting the Foundation’s annual action plans and financial plans,
b. adopting regulations;
c. managing the Foundation’s assets,
d. determining the employment and remuneration of the Foundation’s employees
e. making decisions on all matters not transferred to the competence of other bodies,
f. submitting an application and expressing consent regarding changes to the Foundation’s statute, merger with another Foundation and liquidation of the Foundation.
g. appointment of members of the Foundation Council.
3. In the case of a multi-person management board, the Foundation’s Management Board makes decisions at meetings in the form of resolutions, by a simple majority of votes of its members present at the meeting of the Foundation’s Management Board.
4. All members of the Foundation’s Management Board must be informed about the meeting.
5. The Foundation’s Management Board may appoint proxies to manage a separate sphere of matters falling within the Foundation’s tasks.
6. Every year, by June 30, the Foundation’s Management Board is obliged to submit to the Founder an annual report on the Foundation’s activities.
Piotr Mikołajczyk – Chairman of the Management Board of the Foundation for the Development of Home Education INGENIUM in Sulejówek

A lawyer by education – he defended his master’s thesis at the University of Warsaw. He is also the founder of the Right to Dignity Association, within which he co-organized a number of public and free training courses and conferences for consumers, presenting the rights and obligations of consumers in contacts with entrepreneurs as well as consumer protection based on the provisions of national and EU law. The meetings are organized in cooperation with district consumer ombudsmen and municipal and district local government units. He completed postgraduate studies – Internal Audit at the Faculty of Management of the University of Entrepreneurship and Management. Leon Koźmiński in Warsaw. Since 2017, Advisor to the Waste Management and Recycling Cluster, National Key Cluster. The inventor and the scientific staff of the AGH University of Science and Technology. Stanisław Staszic in Krakow invention: “”Ferrite weight for heavy suspension liquid and method of its production and use of ferrite as a weight for heavy liquid”” Patent No. 235524. Also patented, among others, in the European Union countries and the USA. As a hobby, amateur gardener, co-founder and long-time president of the management board of the Family Allotment Garden Association. W. Warneńczyk in Warsaw.

He has been associated with Benedykt Schools since 2015, providing comprehensive legal and management support.

Financial Statements

The financial report will appear at the end of the school year.